Author Archives: siteadmin - Page 35


Dividend Reinvestment Plans

Program explores the advantages, 'how tos' and costs of adopting a dividend reinvestment plan (DRP).   Advantages to the financial institution and the range of ... Read More »

Directors’ Workshop

Workshop covers problems directors encounter at well-managed banks -- the business judgment rule, duty of care and loyalty, and a review of director responsibilities. Use ... Read More »

Director Training Seminar

One or two-day seminar covers the role of the Board of Directors; significant legal and regulatory issues facing directors; relationship between the CEO, the shareholders ... Read More »

Community Reinvestment Act

Seminar explains importance of certain key definitions under CRA regulations, the lending, service and investment tests by which large institutions are evaluated, the streamlined small ... Read More »

Community Bank Director

This series of six video training programs is designed exclusively for community banks. The videos are ideal for viewing and discussion at your monthly or ... Read More »