Updated 2014 Course List for AABD’s Institute for Bank Directors

Meet your bank director certification requirements: AABD awards hours toward meeting their certification requirements to those members who attend these programs. AABD members may submit a form to AABD advising AABD of their attendance at the program.
Click here to download the courses in a PDF.
Host: Bank Director
Name: The Growth Conference
Location: Ritz Carlton, New Orleans, LA (May 1-2)
Cost: $1,495 (individual) or $1,195/ pp (group of three of more)
AABD Hours: 12
Register: http://www.bankdirector.com/conferences/the-growth-conference/register/
Host: FDIC
Name: Kansas City Region Directors’ College Program
Location: Sioux Falls, SD (May 6)
Bismarck, ND (May 8)
Cost: Varies by location
AABD Hours: 6
Register: http://www.fdic.gov/regulations/resources/director/college/kc.html
Host: OCC
Name: Risk Assessment Workshop: Directors, Where is the Risk in Your Institution?
Location: San Diego, CA (May 6)
Cost: $99 per participant/ per workshop
AABD Hours: 8
Register: https://www.seiservices.com/occ/
Host: OCC
Name: Compliance Risk Workshop: What Directors Need to Know
Location: San Diego, CA (May 7)
Cost: $99 per participant/ per workshop
AABD Hours: 8
Register: https://www.seiservices.com/occ/
Host: FDIC
Name: Dallas Region Community Bankers’ College
Location: Denver, CO (May 7)
Cost: Varies by location
AABD Hours: 6
Register: http://www.fdic.gov/regulations/resources/director/college/dallas/dates.html
Host: Missouri Independent Bankers Association
Name: Community Banking Directors and Officers Workshop
Location: Camden on the Lake, Lake Ozark, MO (May 13-14)
Cost: $112 + tax/ night
AABD Hours: 6
Register: http://www.miba.net/education/forms/LINK-82114047.pdf
Host: Maine Bankers Association
Name: Directors Forum
Location: Augusta Civic Center (May 13)
Cost: TBD
Register: http://www.mainebankers.com/maine-banks-events-education/events
Host: Community Bankers Association of Georgia
Name: 6th Annual Bank Directors’ & Executive Management Conference
Location: The Cobb Energy Performing Arts Center, Atlanta, GA (May 13)
Cost: $295 for members/ $450 for non-members
AABD Hours: 6
Register: https://cbaofga.site-ym.com/events/register.aspx?id=427802&itemid=c199182a-7138-4734-a894-6bfe87839c1e
Host: FDIC and Community Bankers of Michigan
Name: Community Bank Management and Directors Summit
Location: The Dome at Park Place Hotel, Traverse City, MI (May 29)
Cost: $95/ per person
Register: https://www.cbofm.org/document/docWindow.cfm?fuseaction=document.viewDocument&documentid=1341&documentFormatId=1396
Host: OCC
Name: Mastering the Basics Workshop: A Director’s Challenge
Location: Nashville, TN (Jun. 2-4)
St. Louis, MO (Jun. 23-25)
Cost: $99 per participant/ per workshop
AABD Hours: 16
Register: https://www.seiservices.com/occ/
Host: Vermont Bankers Association, New Hampshire Bankers Association
Name: FDIC Directors, Trustees & Senior Management College
Location: Capitol Plaza Hotel & Conference Center, Montpellier, VT (Jun. 10)
Courtyard Mariott-Grappone Conference Center, Concord, NH (Jun. 11)
Cost: $130 per person
AABD Hours: 6
Register: http://www.vtbanker.com/calendar/70/13-FDIC-Directors-Trustees-Senior-Management-College.html; http://www.nhbankers.com/events-education/seminars-26
Host: Bank Director
Name: Bank Audit & Risk Committees Conference
Location: The Palmer House, Chicago, IL (Jun. 10-11)
Cost: $1,495 (individual) or $1,195/ pp (group of three of more)
AABD Hours: 12
Register: http://www.bankdirector.com/conferences/bank-audit-and-risk-committees-conference/register/
Host: OCC
Name: Risk Assessment Workshop: Directors, Where is the Risk in Your Institution?
Location: Seattle, WA (Jul. 8)
Minneapolis, MN (Jul. 22)
Cost: $99 per participant/ per workshop
AABD Hours: 8
Register: https://www.seiservices.com/occ/
Host: OCC
Name: Credit Risk Workshop: A Director’s Focus
Location: Seattle, WA (Jul. 9)
Cost: $99 per participant/ per workshop
AABD Hours: 8
Register: https://www.seiservices.com/occ/
Host: OCC
Name: Compliance Risk Workshop: What Directors Need to Know
Location: Minneapolis, MN (Jul. 23)
Cost: $99 per participant/ per workshop
AABD Hours: 8
Register: https://www.seiservices.com/occ/
Host: OCC
Name: Mastering the Basics Workshop: A Director’s Challenge
Location: Columbus, OH (Jul. 28-30)
Cost: $99 per participant/ per workshop
AABD Hours: 16
Register: https://www.seiservices.com/occ/
Host: OCC
Name: Risk Assessment Workshop: Directors, Where is the Risk in Your Institution?
Location: Syracuse, NY (Aug. 5)
Cost: $99 per participant/ per workshop
AABD Hours: 8
Register: https://www.seiservices.com/occ/
Host: OCC
Name: Compliance Risk Workshop: What Directors Need to Know
Location: Syracuse, NY (Aug. 6)
Cost: $99 per participant/ per workshop
AABD Hours: 8
Register: https://www.seiservices.com/occ/
Host: Florida Bankers Association
Name: 29th Annual Bank Directors Forum
Location: Waldorf Astoria, Orlando, FL (Aug. 14-15)
Cost: $495 for members/ $990 for non-members
AABD Hours: 10
Register: http://www.floridabankers.com/fba/Public/Common/Education_Pages/ByTopic_BR/BankDirectorsForum/BankDirectorsForum.aspx
Host: Alabama Bankers Association
Name: 2014 CEO, Executive Management, and Alabama Directors’ College
Location: The Grand Hotel, Point Clear, AL (Aug. 14-16)
Cost: Various rates, between $350 and $845 for members and non-members
Register: http://www.alabamabankers.com/AM/Template.cfm?Section=2014_CEO_Registration_Form
Host: Oregon Bankers Association
Name: Oregon Bank Directors Forum
Location: Riverhouse Hotel & Convention Center, Bend, OR (Aug. 20-22)
AABD Hours: 16
Register: https://www.oregonbankers.com/events/4807/
Host: CSBS
Name: Bank Directors Seminar
Location: Coeur d’Alene, Idaho (Sept. 7-9)
Cost: $795 (member) or $895 (non-member)
Register: https://www.cvent.com/events/bank-directors-seminar/registration-32819381271a490d948a2a229bf77865.aspx
Host: OCC
Name: Mastering the Basics Workshop: A Director’s Challenge
Location: Pittsburgh, PA (Sept. 15-17)
Cost: $99 per participant/ per workshop
AABD Hours: 16
Register: https://www.seiservices.com/occ/
Host: OCC
Name: Risk Assessment Workshop: Directors, Where is the Risk in Your Institution?
Location: Dallas, TX (Sept. 30)
Cost: $99 per participant/ per workshop
AABD Hours: 8
Register: https://www.seiservices.com/occ/
Host: OCC
Name: Credit Risk Workshop: A Director’s Focus
Location: Dallas, TX (Oct. 1)
Cleveland, OH (Oct. 29)
Cost: $99 per participant/ per workshop
AABD Hours: 8
Register: https://www.seiservices.com/occ/
Host: Bank Director
Name: Valuing the Bank
Location: Ritz Carlton, San Francisco, CA (Oct. 2-3)
Cost: $1,995 (individual) or $995/ pp ( group of three or more)
AABD Hours: 10
Register: http://www.bankdirector.com/conferences/valuing-the-bank/register/
Host: SW Graduate School of Banking
Name: Community Banking: Thriving in the New Financial Marketplace
Location: Silverado Resort and Spa, Napa, CA (Oct. 2-5)
Cost: $1,095
AABD Hours: 14
Register: https://www.swgsb.org/form_event_directors.aspx
Host: OCC
Name: Mastering the Basics Workshop: A Director’s Challenge
Location: Orlando, FL (Oct. 6-8)
Cost: $99 per participant/ per workshop
AABD Hours: 16
Register: https://www.seiservices.com/occ/
Host: ICBA
Name: Annual Directors Conference
Location: Scottsdale, AZ (Oct. 16-19)
Cost: $995 (for members) or $1,495 (for non-members)
AABD Hours:
Register: http://www.icba.org/education/index.cfm?ItemNumber=167919
Host: Maine Bankers Association
Name: Directors College
Location: August Civic Center (Oct. 17)
Cost: TBD
Register: http://www.mainebankers.com/maine-banks-events-education/events
Host: American Bankers Association
Name: ABA Annual Convention: Directors’ Forum
Location: Hyatt Regency Dallas, Dallas, TX (Oct. 20)
Cost: $350
AABD Hours: 7
Register: http://www.aba.com/Training/Conferences/Pages/annual_directors.aspx
Host: OCC
Name: Risk Assessment Workshop: Directors, Where is the Risk in Your Institution?
Location: Cleveland, OH (Oct. 28)
Cost: $99 per participant/ per workshop
AABD Hours: 8
Register: https://www.seiservices.com/occ/
Host: Bank Director
Name: Bank Executive & Board Compensation Conference
Location: Swissôtel, Chicago, IL (Nov. 4-5)
Cost: TBD
Register: TBD
Host: OCC
Name: Compliance Risk Workshop: What Directors Need to Know
Location: Kansas City, MO (Nov. 5)
Newton, MA (Nov. 18)
Cost: $99 per participant/ per workshop
AABD Hours: 8
Register: https://www.seiservices.com/occ/
Host: OCC
Name: Credit Risk Workshop: A Director’s Focus
Location: Kansas City, MO (Nov. 6)
Newton, MA (Nov. 19)
Cost: $99 per participant/ per workshop
AABD Hours: 8
Register: https://www.seiservices.com/occ/
Host: Western Independent Bankers
Name: Annual Directors Conference
Location: The Westin St. Francis, San Francisco (Nov. 6-8, 2014)
AABD Hours:
Register: http://www.wib.org/conferences__education/directors_conference/
Host: OCC
Name: Mastering the Basics Workshop: A Director’s Challenge
Location: Phoenix, AZ (Dec. 1-3)
Cost: $99 per participant/ per workshop
AABD Hours: 16
Register: https://www.seiservices.com/occ/