Save the Date for the 2015 Bank Directors’ Summit: May 12-13, 2015

You are cordially invited to save these dates for your attendance at the 2015 Bank Directors Summit, hosted jointly by the American Association of Bank Directors and SNL Financial. Click here to visit the Summit’s website.
May 12-13, 2015
The Cosmos Club
Washington, DC
This program will feature presentations and discussion on how you can help your bank meet its challenges and take full advantage of opportunities. Our keynote speaker is Martin J. Gruenberg, Chairman of the FDIC.
You will hear from top regulators and industry experts about such topics as:
- “heightened regulatory expectations” for board members;
- How to put an effective strategic and capital planning process in place;
- How to assure yourself that your bank has an effective enterprise risk management system; and
- The measures you and your bank can take to minimize risk of personal liability
In order to promote collegiality in discussion among your peers and with regulators and industry experts, attendance at this Summit will be limited to 50 participants.
Please mark these dates (May 12-13, 2015) on your calendar, and visit the Summit’s web site for more information.
In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact Betty Pelton, Membership and Conference Director, at 202-463-4888 or email her at [email protected] should you have any questions or comments.