Executive Director Baris Speaks on the Volcker Rule

AABD Executive Director David Baris will be a panelist in the SNL Financial Webinar, “The Volcker Rule: What It Means For Your Bank” on January 9, 2014, 1:30-3:00 PM ET.
On December 10, 2013, regulatory agencies approved the Volcker Rule in an effort to reduce risk and increase stability in the banking industry. While the intended methods of accomplishing these goals – restricting proprietary trading and adding risk-mitigating provisions for market making and hedging activities – are most relevant to large, systematically important banks, there is growing concern about the impact on community banks and their investors. Most notably, restrictions imposed on investments in CDO TruPS and hedging activities may directly impact community banks’ capital positions and earnings.
Join SNL as they facilitate a panel discussion among experts from three industry leading law firms, the American Association of Bank Directors, and a former FDIC Deputy to the Chairman on Policy. They will address the rule’s implications for regional and community banks, including expected impact on earnings, investment in the sector, best practices to prepare for implementation, and our experts’ thoughts on the rule’s most controversial items. They want to address the issues most pressing to you and your stakeholders, so this will be an interactive session that puts your live questions to the panel and leaves additional time for Q&A.
Click here to learn more and to register. AABD members can attend for free by using the code SALES.