Duke Bank Director Institute Program May 18-19 – A Must to Attend

Hear FDIC Vice Chair Hoenig and receive a 15% discount on D&O insurance from Amtrust.
To AABD Members and Friends:
Register now for this excellent program. You will be able to hear and meet FDIC Vice Chair Thomas Hoenig as well as officials from the Federal Reserve and OCC, receive a 15% discount on your bank’s D&O insurance from Amtrust, and receive a complimentary copy of AABD’s Regulatory Burden Report, a $125 value, detailing all of your obligations as a bank director. The 15% discount applies to initial policies, and renewals on existing policies.
In addition, there will be a Wells Fargo case study that will examine the Fed’s recent action to publicize Letters of Reprimand to certain directors of Wells Fargo, what it may mean for you, and how you might avoid receipt of one.