
Strategic Planning Retreat

This hand-on practical planning seminar is designed to assist financial institutions in developing strategic plans initially and/or updating current written strategic plans on an annual ... Read More »

Seminar: Director Training

Seminar covers the Board's role; legal and regulatory issues facing directors; the relationship between the big three - CEO, shareholders and Board; directors' roles in ... Read More »

Reviewing Your Deposit Agreement

Presentation discusses how a deposit agreement can increase institution's deposit account-related fee income; how recent Uniform Commercial Code amendments permit most financial institutions to take ... Read More »

Negotiated and Hostile Acquisitions

Program discusses contents of a 'ready response' program and anti-takeover devices available to an institution before an unwanted offer surfaces. Board and management responsibilities in ... Read More »

Long-Range Planning for Bank Directors

Two-day program assists participants in dealing with real-world dilemmas facing financial institutions and analyzing them systematically. Participants learn planning skills by actually developing an overall ... Read More »