Calling All Bank Directors Episode 31: CRA, Fair Lending, and Fair Banking

This week, Host and AABD President David Baris is joined by Ken Thomas, one of the leading experts on CRA in the country. If he doesn’t know the answer, no one does. He also is the president of Community Development Fund Advisors and serves as a director of a community bank in New York and as Chair of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee. He was a lecturer at Wharton for 42 years.
Ken will discuss CRA, fair lending, and fair banking in light of the anticipated challenges from the new Biden administration. He will provide advice on how bank boards can play an important role in overseeing this risk and helping their bank meet not just responsibilities under law but also to the community.
As Ken says in the podcast episode, if it hasn’t happened yet, it will. This should be a front burner issue for bank directors.
Listen to episode 31 below: