April 7, 2011: AABD-NACD Bank Director Workshop

The American Association of Bank Directors and the National Association of Corporate Directors are pleased to host our Fifth Annual Bank Director Workshop.
The following concerns expressed by bank directors to the AABD will be addressed:
Director Liability > In January 2010 the FDIC announced it had authorized law suits against 109 defendants seeking nearly $2.5 billion.
- What steps are you taking to protect your board and avoid potential liability?
Increased Regulation > The consequences of the Dodd Frank Act (2,300 pages!) are just becoming apparent to Compensation Committees at all banks.
- How will the Act impact your bank's incentive compensation programs?
Risk Oversight > Upcoming Regulatory Exams will increase focus on oversight of interest rate risk – the 'S' in your CAMELS rating.
- Is your bank ready?
Foreclosure Hangover > All Florida banks will continue to be impacted by depressed valuations, delinquent home loans (20%+ in Florida) and foreclosed homes.
- What does the state-wide real estate hangover mean for your bank?
Regulatory Roundtable > An open Q & A with bank regulators – ask your questions!