American Association of Bank Directors Announces Strategic Risk Associates’ Sponsorship

The American Association of Bank Directors (“AABD”) announced today that Strategic Risk Associates, LLC (“SRA”) has become a sponsor of AABD.
SRA is one of the leading bank consulting service firms in the United States, providing a variety of services to the banking and financial service industry, bank board of directors, and bank senior management. It recently unveiled its ERM Watchtower service, an easy to use risk management tool that enables bank directors and management to use an online system to efficiently monitor, manage and mitigate their top risks and integrate its risk management with strategic and capital planning. SRA is actively involved in bank director education and programs designed for bank boards of directors.
Michael Glotz, SRA’s President, will serve as a Co-Chair on AABD’s Risk-Reward Committee and as a faculty member of the Institute for Bank Director Education, a division of AABD.
“We are delighted that SRA has agreed to help us enhance our efforts to support the training and informational needs of bank directors in light of the increasing demands on them”, David Baris, President of AABD said. “Those programs that SRA has designed for bank boards of directors will qualify for credits that AABD rewards to bank directors towards satisfying their requirements under AABD’s Bank Director Certification Program.”
“SRA is offering its new ERM Watchtower service to banks whose directors are AABD members at a 10% discount,” Rich Whiting, AABD’s Executive Director, said.
“SRA is delighted to become a sponsor of AABD, which offers bank directors a formal program through which they can sharpen their skills and gain knowledge,” Michael Glotz, President of SRA said. “We also are supportive of AABD’s efforts to protect the interests of bank directors.”
About AABD
Founded in 1989, the non-profit American Association of Bank Directors ( is the only trade group in the United States solely devoted to bank directors and their information, education, and advocacy needs. The Institute for Bank Director Education was established in 1993 as the educational arm of AABD. Its purpose is to act as a clearinghouse for education programs designed for bank and savings institution directors that support the nationally recognized Director Certification Program.
About SRA
SRA ( is a national leader in enterprise risk management, governance, internal audit, M&A due diligence, IT and security, and credit risk management among other valuable services, for banks and their directors and officers.