American Association of Bank Directors Announces Appointment of Christopher Nicholson to Co-Chair Audit Committee for AABD Members

The American Association of Bank Directors (“AABD”) announced today that it has named Christopher Nicholson as Co-Chair of the Audit Committee for AABD members.
AABD is establishing a number of committees by subject area that AABD members may join in order to communicate candidly with other members and the Chair or Co-Chairs of the committees. Chairs and Co-Chairs will have special expertise and experience in the subject matter of the committee.
Mr. Nicholson is a CPA and UK Chartered Accountant. He retired from Deloitte in 2012 after 34 years. He ran its global energy practice for ten years, and previously audited a number of banks in the US and UK. He is currently serving on the Board of Directors of Old Dominion National Bank, and is chairman of their audit committee. He also has served on boards of directors in Russia and Saudi Arabia.
“Chris brings to AABD a wealth of practical experience and expertise in auditing banks as a former partner of Deloitte,” David Baris, Executive Director of AABD, said. “He has a deep understanding of the challenges facing bank board audit committees and their members and will provide AABD members with invaluable support for the challenges they face.”
Founded in 1989, the non-profit American Association of Bank Directors is the only trade group in the United States solely devoted to bank directors and their information, education, and advocacy needs. AABD has established various committees based on subject matter that allow AABD members to communicate with other committee members and committee Chairs or Co-Chairs on the subject matter of the committee. The Institute for Bank Director Education was established in 1993 as the educational arm of AABD. Its purpose is to act as a clearinghouse for education programs designed for bank and savings institution directors that support the nationally recognized Director Certification Program. AABD has published the “The Bank Director Regulatory Burden Report,” the first public compilation of over 800 laws, regulations and federal banking agency guidance that impose various requirements on bank directors and their boards and board committees, and “FDIC Director Suits: Lessons Learned.”