First meeting of the AABD Risk-Reward Committee – Friday May 19, 2017 at 2 pm -2:45 pm Eastern

We’ve changed the focus of our first meeting to establishing a leadership group to advise the Risk Reward Committee.
Those bank directors and Bank CROs who are interested in serving on the Advisory Council to the Risk Reward Committee should attend.
The meeting will also explore how the Committee can best further the interests of bank CROs and bank boards in working effectively together.
Membership is free.
The membership form can be viewed here. To attend the first meeting, please complete and forward to AABD as soon as possible. We’ll then send you the call in information.
The Risk-Reward Committee Charter can be viewed here.
Our Co-Chairs are Michael Glotz, President of Strategic Risk Associates, who has developed the nationally recognized ERM Watchtower, and Joe O’Donnell, Director of Enterprise Risk Management at Fannie Mae.