December 9, 2010
12/9/2010 Webinar: Small Business Lending Fund—TARP Warmed Over or Something New?

December 9, 2010, 1 PM ET
This webinar focuses on the latest developments in the new Small Business Lending Fund investment program, designed to spur small business lending by community banks through Treasury investments in bank or bank holding company preferred stock on potentially bargain terms. Is it just TARP in a new wrapper, and should it matter to you? Presented by David H. Baris, Esq., Executive Director, AABD, and Noel M. Gruber, Counsel, BuckleySandler LLP.
For more information or to register, visit the WIB site.
Sponsored by AABD, Western Independent Bankers (WIB), and Virginia Association of Community Banks (VACB).